
Master of Education (Leadership)
Bachelor of Education
• Special Education & Guidance specializations
• Junior, Intermediate & Senior divisions
Bachelor of Arts (English Literature & History)
Co-Founder, The Class Afloat Foundation – www.theclassafloatfoundation.org
I am available to share my knowledge and passion about a variety of topics relevant to young people, parents, educators, schools, and the education sector. Speaking engagements may include graduations, conferences, professional development seminars, Board meetings, and living room coffee talks.
I enjoy the opportunity to engage around a kitchen table as much as the chance to challenge current paradigms from the podium in a lecture theatre. All presentations are customizable to meet the needs of any group size, demographic, and dynamic.
I have been able to pursue and embrace many of my life experiences to date because of the commitment and mentorship of others — and I believe that we live in a pay-it-forward world. We have a responsibility to share our good fortune, time, and expertise when we can with those who can benefit.
Together with like-minded volunteers passionate about opportunities for young people, I co-founded The Class Afloat Foundation (TCAF) — www.theclassafloatfoundation.org. The Foundation’s mission is to support young people and organizations whose engagement in experiential learning opportunities demonstrates their commitment to learning, to leadership and to responsible global citizenship.
I want to help ensure that for every dollar I earn, support is offered to build the capacity of others to make their own meaningful contributions to our world. I invite you to partner with me to do the same.
5% of all revenue from Kate Knight Consulting will be donated to The Class Afloat Foundation to support youth leadership development and experiential learning opportunities.